Write For Us

Submit Your Blog to Our Platform

We really want to post very unique high quality content on our blog and welcome contribution from writers, industry experts, and passionate bloggers. We are interested in such articles that will grab the attention of our readers and be able to give them value while following important guidelines, put forward by Google to quality content. First, follow the submission guidelines so that your article will have the best possible chance of getting published.

Why Write for Us?

  • Reach a wider audience, sharing knowledge with our engaged community.
  • Establish your credibility as an authority in your niche and among our readers.
  • SEO Benefits: Get high-quality backlinks and raise awareness about your content on the search results.
  • Content Ideas to Add Value: Develop content that may be useful for our audience to know, get inspired, and be engaged.

Our Content Policy

So, according to Google’s rules of rich and interesting content, we first prefer to give priority to those articles that provide original insights, practical information, and are readable. Some of the guidelines are as follows:

Quality of Content

Originality and Exclusivity: All content must be 100% original and not published anywhere else- barring your website or any other social media platform. Well-Researched and Factually Accurate: Use valid sources to justify claims. Double-check the accuracy and relevance in order to offer readers the most reliable information. Audience-Centric: Content should be written with readers in mind, not search engines alone. The need to avoid keyword stuffing is fundamental; instead, give importance to helpful, user-centered writing.

Structure and Readability

Clear Formatting: One can use short paragraphs, subheadings, bullet points, or where possible use images to break up the text for readability. Engaging and informative: Be exposing the reader to something new in the body of the article to have actionable insights. Grammar and spelling: Well-edited and polished article, meeting professional writing standards.

SEO Best Practices

Target Keywords Naturally: Keywords should be used organically within content: title, headings, body but do not over optimize it

Meta Descriptions and Alt Texts: The Meta description must be under 150-160 characters long. The images should be filled with alt text with descriptions.

Internal and External Links: Use links to credible, high-authority sites to back up any information you provide wherever possible; make at least one or two links to other pages on our site where applicable.

Topics We Accept

We publish articles on topics, and that’s not an exhaustive list;

  • Technology and Gadgets
  • Digital Marketing and SEO

Submission Process

  1. Pitch Your Idea: E-mail us at info@vivomobilepriceinpakistan with your article idea or outline. Please give us a few lines about yourself and any samples of your writing.
  2. Write and Submit: When we get back to you, go ahead and write your article following the guidelines above. Send it as a Word document, along with any images, properly credited, to the same email address.
  3. Review and Feedback: The editorial team will review the submission for our style and guidelines and will possibly require minor revisions to your paper.
  4. Publication: We will publish the article after approval and let you know when it’s live.

Important Note

We can’t guarantee publication simply because there are so many entries. Only a selected number of articles will be published because our team of experts has handpicked those most likely to qualify in terms of quality and relevance. Also, the right to edit for clarity and length is reserved.

Ready to Get Started?

Join us in producing content that informs, inspires, and engages readers. We look forward to your submission and to showcasing your expertise on our platform!

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